I've been taking advantage of the rain-filled forecast and working on new window displays for the summer! I've been trying to come up with ideas using materials found in the gallery -- I'm a bit of a hoarder, and so thankfully there are plenty of materials to choose from (a few months ago I utilized torn strips of
leftover matboard that have been piling up in the basement). This past week I came upon a tall stack of bright yellow paper plates and an assortment of clear plastic and white paper dixie cups that have been taking up precious cabinet space in the backroom for perhaps three or four years (they are no longer needed at the opening receptions as we've opted for finger foods), so there it began. Some staples, a few hole punches and a little silver ribbon completed the transformation.
"There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transfer a yellow spot into the sun."
--Pablo Picasso